LWallace2: Vemillion Flycatcher 2_12_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 2_12_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's) 2_12_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Ringed Kingfisher 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Grey Hawk 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Olive Sparrow 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Cooper's Hawk 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Altamira Oriole 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Long-billed Thrasher 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Hooded Oriole 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Green Jay 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Greater Kiskadee 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Audubon's Oriole 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Eastern Screech Owl 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Bronzed Cowbird and friends 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Crested Caracara 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: American Kestrel 2_13_15 (1 of 1)-2
LWallace2: American Kestrel 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Clay-colored Thrush 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Blue-headed Vireo2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Vermillion Flycatcher2_13_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Curved-billed Thrasher 2_14_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Inca Dove 2_14_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Plain Chachalaca 2_14_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Buff-bellied Hummingbird 2_14_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Not A Turkey Vulture 2_14_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Common Pauraque 2_14_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Egret and Ibis 2_14_15 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Common Gallinule and Sora 2_14_15 (1 of 1)