LWallace2: Black and White Warbler
LWallace2: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
LWallace2: Scarlet Tanager
LWallace2: Great Egret
LWallace2: Mama and Chicks
LWallace2: Brown Pelican
LWallace2: American Avocets
LWallace2: Whimbrel
LWallace2: Horned Lark
LWallace2: Ruddy Turnstones
LWallace2: Reddish Egret
LWallace2: Seaside Sparrow
LWallace2: Nelson's Sparrow
LWallace2: Nelson's Sparrows
LWallace2: Boat-tailed Grackle
LWallace2: Eastern Kingbird
LWallace2: Black-necked Stilt
LWallace2: Green Heron
LWallace2: Orchard Oriole
LWallace2: American Bittern
LWallace2: Tri-colored Heron
LWallace2: Least Bittern
LWallace2: Red-winged Blackbird
LWallace2: Swamp Sparrow
LWallace2: Fulvous Whistling-Duck
LWallace2: Sora
LWallace2: Prothonotary Warblers
LWallace2: Blackburnian Warbler
LWallace2: Yellow-throated Vireo
LWallace2: Red-eyed Vireo