Teodor Horea: __4_0004
Teodor Horea: CNV000035s
Teodor Horea: img025a
Teodor Horea: CNV000034abcde
Teodor Horea: A dog and his owner nearby a disco in the meadow of Suceava River in northern Romania. March 2015
Teodor Horea: img093a
Teodor Horea: img071ab
Teodor Horea: dia020a
Teodor Horea: Mouses in golden light
Teodor Horea: filmlat008abcde
Teodor Horea: filmlat025abc
Teodor Horea: filmlat021a
Teodor Horea: filmlat022a
Teodor Horea: img045ab
Teodor Horea: img010a
Teodor Horea: img035a
Teodor Horea: img074a
Teodor Horea: img145a