CN Southwell: Bessemer is always good
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 south at Oneida
CN Southwell: Still B L E
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 south at Standard Jct.
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 south at K07
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 south at Keepville
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 south at Adamsville
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 north at McBride
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 north at Claytonia
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 north at Adamsville
CN Southwell: Nighttime on the Bessemer: B&LE 907 at Greenville
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 north at Pennside
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 north at Meadville Junction
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 leads southbound ore at McBride
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 southbound at Keisters
CN Southwell: B&LE 907. January at Conneautville
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 bending into Conley road
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 leads lite power. Meadville Junction
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 southbound on the highline at Henlein
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 crossing Kimbles viaduct near Mercer
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 south at KY
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 taking the highline at KO
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 leads a fall southbound at Shermansville
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 southbound at Lexington
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 on the Erie branch at Girard
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 leads empties north at Grove City
CN Southwell: B&LE 907 north at Conneautville