grubby1949: Eider Duck (Somateria mollissima)
grubby1949: Rock Pipit
grubby1949: Goldeneye
grubby1949: Ring Billed Gull
grubby1949: Golden Eye (Bucephala)
grubby1949: Black Headed Gull
grubby1949: Black-headed-Gull
grubby1949: Common Tern missed his lunch
grubby1949: Ring-billed Gull following the Chi-cheemaun on way to Manitoulin Island Ontario
grubby1949: Pintail Duck
grubby1949: Barrow's Goldeneye
grubby1949: Pintail Duck
grubby1949: New Zealand Scaup - New Zealand
grubby1949: Ring-billed Gull following the Chi-cheemaun on way to Manitoulin Island Ontario
grubby1949: Spotted Sandpiper
grubby1949: Black Swan 3
grubby1949: Black Swan
grubby1949: Black Tern
grubby1949: Grey Heron
grubby1949: Scaly-sided Merganser (Mergus squamatus)
grubby1949: Yellow-legged Gull (Tenerife)
grubby1949: Whimbrel
grubby1949: Pelican
grubby1949: Ring-billed Gull
grubby1949: Ring-billed Gull
grubby1949: Herring Gull
grubby1949: Wigeon
grubby1949: Pintail (taken at some distance and heavily cropped).
grubby1949: Little Egret
grubby1949: Little Egret