Kaylee Davidov: Walking on sunshine
Shiny Gothly: Within A Reflection Shi Sees
Thus Yootz *THANK U ♥♥♥ 4 yr FVS & awards*: The sparkling underwater at Oniro {Assignment 91 -"All that glitters"}
Thus Yootz *THANK U ♥♥♥ 4 yr FVS & awards*: Old Tapestry {Assignment 90 - "Bridge(s)"}
Bisou @ The Outer Garden: Birds flew away at the sound. /{anc} feather chips
Bisou @ The Outer Garden: wet with dew./Garden by anc dotty wild grass
Bisou @ The Outer Garden: What do you do to catch butterflies?
Bisou @ The Outer Garden: The Outer Garden/ 雨後の月-Moon After The Rain
Bisou @ The Outer Garden: My dog licked my face with a slurp.
Bisou @ The Outer Garden: The storyteller said. 「This story continues....」
Thus Yootz *THANK U ♥♥♥ 4 yr FVS & awards*: Tai Chi - Balance-Imbalance {Assignment 89}
Kalyca*: (88) Cravings..Wine and Attention
Thus Yootz *THANK U ♥♥♥ 4 yr FVS & awards*: Balloon Trapeze - "Craving for that Oceanic Feeling of Weightlessness"
Thus Yootz *THANK U ♥♥♥ 4 yr FVS & awards*: Vincent Van Gogh Beach {Assignment 87- "Beach"}
Gidgette Adagio: [87 Beach] Confession: I've never seen the ocean in RL
Thus Yootz *THANK U ♥♥♥ 4 yr FVS & awards*: Just a little bit demonic {Assignment 85 -"Mythical Creatures"}
Jewell Wirefly: ‘Even the smallest person can change the course of history.’ – Lady Galadriel
Thus Yootz *THANK U ♥♥♥ 4 yr FVS & awards*: The Shire, Daguerreotype, circa 1860 {Assignment 84}