Emmalen: the jews on the bus go...
Emmalen: fruit of the earthly delights
Emmalen: view to the dead sea
Emmalen: sunrise on massada
Emmalen: massada ruins
Emmalen: romans!
Emmalen: awww.
Emmalen: americans afloat!
Emmalen: anna in canyon
Emmalen: some of my favorite people
Emmalen: birthright special forces
Emmalen: contributing to the economy
Emmalen: makhtesh rehydration
Emmalen: faris, man of the mountains
Emmalen: kissy face
Emmalen: negev from ben-gurion's tomb
Emmalen: where it's at
Emmalen: only names
Emmalen: mahaneh yehudah, shabbat
Emmalen: serious suffering, post shabbat
Emmalen: thrilling falafel
Emmalen: aliyah
Emmalen: displeasing postcards?
Emmalen: hasidic posters
Emmalen: torah boy
Emmalen: tallis threads
Emmalen: smiling jewboy philip
Emmalen: syrian border army base
Emmalen: borei p'ri ha-gafen
Emmalen: rabin square