Rolroo: img015 (1)
Rolroo: img020
Rolroo: Duck, Duck, Goo...Fish!
Rolroo: Rucksacks
Rolroo: Roasted Potatoes
Rolroo: Old Sevilla
Rolroo: Hotel Lobby
Rolroo: What's up?
Rolroo: Alone with his music
Rolroo: Please don't stop the music.
Rolroo: Not getting closer then this to a Torreador
Rolroo: Hotel Alfonso
Rolroo: Where is the key to your heart
Rolroo: I want to ride my bycicle
Rolroo: Sister act
Rolroo: Flamenco Concentration
Rolroo: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
Rolroo: Please don't stop the Music
Rolroo: Pick of the Day
Rolroo: Sister with Agfa Optima 535