Wendalls28: Stepping Out
Wendalls28: Flock of European Goldfinches
Wendalls28: Happy little finches
Wendalls28: Happy little red browed finch
Wendalls28: Little Thornbill
Wendalls28: Magpie in Flight
Wendalls28: Kookas sitting in the old Gum Tree
Wendalls28: IMG_5116
Wendalls28: Splash
Wendalls28: Towel please
Wendalls28: Shades of Grey, little fantail
Wendalls28: Yellow Eastern Robin
Wendalls28: Kooka Country
Wendalls28: Spotted paralote..oh Yipee
Wendalls28: Back view...Handsome Mr Spotty Pardalote
Wendalls28: Spotted that Pardalote
Wendalls28: So what's for Arvo Tea...isn't that the invite?
Wendalls28: My gorgeous little Pardalote...Bliss
Wendalls28: Mr Spotted Pardalote
Wendalls28: IMG_7476
Wendalls28: IMG_7487
Wendalls28: IMG_7498
Wendalls28: IMG_7495
Wendalls28: I have brought a Friend
Wendalls28: IMG_9982
Wendalls28: Striated Pardalote
Wendalls28: IMG_9966