SwellMap: C.P.R. Elevators, Fort William, Ontario
SwellMap: Grain Elevator, Montreal, Quebec
SwellMap: The Big Lock In Lake Washington Canal
SwellMap: Shasta Dam, California
SwellMap: Grand Coulee Dam, Washington
SwellMap: Caterpillar No. 583 Pipelayer Near Greensburg, Kansas
SwellMap: C.P.R. Pier, Vancouver BC
SwellMap: The Gatun Locks, Panama canal
SwellMap: Garrison Dam, 1957
SwellMap: Newest Type Oil Drilling Equipment, LaGrange, Texas
SwellMap: Oil Drilling Rig, An Important Economic Factor In The Economic Life Of Mississippi
SwellMap: Oill Drilling Rig
SwellMap: Venice Oil Wells, Los Angeles, California
SwellMap: Signal Hill, Producer Of "Black Gold", Long Beach, California
SwellMap: A Pumping Unit In General Use Now Replaces The Derrick
SwellMap: Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona
SwellMap: Palomar Observatory, Palomar Mountain, California
SwellMap: Palomar Observatory, Palomar Mountain, California
SwellMap: Open Hearth Furnace, US Steel Homestead District Works, Munhall, Pennsylvania
SwellMap: The Pot Line At Cominco, Trail BC
SwellMap: Gary Steel Works, United States Steel Corporation, Indiana
SwellMap: Superweld Batch-Type Multiple-Muffle Hydrogen Atmosphere Furnace For Large Assemblies, Superweld Corporation
SwellMap: Alcan's Smelter, "The Aluminum City", Kitimat BC
SwellMap: Open Hearth Furnace, Bethlehem Steel Plant, Johnstown, Penmnsylavnia
SwellMap: The Vermont Marble Company, Proctor, Vermont
SwellMap: The Vermont Marble Company, Proctor, Vermont
SwellMap: National Park Service Technicians Prepare Fossil Backbones, Quarry Visitor Center, Utah
SwellMap: Removing The Curd, Green County Swiss Cheese Factory, Monroe, Wisconsin
SwellMap: The Marble Exhibit At Proctor, Vermont
SwellMap: Juicy, Tender Pineapple From The Prime Cut, Dole Pineapple, Hawaii