tigerchen499: Radiant light
烏巴巴: L0013233-fb
Dahai Z: Sunset in the orient 东方的日落
Dahai Z: Autumn remains 秋已尽
Dahai Z: Autumn fantastic
Dahai Z: 拙政园
lgf55555: 無言的天空
lgf55555: 尋路
Alfie | Japanorama: Dusk over Tokyo with Mount Fuji & The SkyTree
Clark5262: Fisherman / 釣魚的人
kaising_fung: Rain after 雨後
RudyMareelPhotography: Dresden's Evening Splendor: Brühl Terrace and the Danube
lgf55555: 石敢當
Singer 晴哥: 光。陰 Through Darkness Comes Light
lgf55555: 雖枯猶榮
lgf55555: 烈日
lgf55555: 盼塵埃
lgf55555: 流失的機會
lgf55555: 親情
h329: Cat in the circle
lgf55555: 時光機
lgf55555: 狂夜
lgf55555: 八家將
Singer 晴哥: 天光 Light from heaven
lgf55555: 一種場景 二種心情
lgf55555: 燈泡
lgf55555: 那雙腿真是美、可惜?太遠了!
lgf55555: 靜觀