Petr Marsal: Blooming flowers in our park
Petr Marsal: Blooming red flowers in our park
Petr Marsal: Interesting leaves II
Petr Marsal: Blossom
Petr Marsal: Blossom II
Petr Marsal: Interesting leaves
Petr Marsal: Spring leaves
Petr Marsal: Winter leafes
Petr Marsal: In the forest
Petr Marsal: Check out the fish ponds and feed the ducks
Petr Marsal: Stromovka in February
Petr Marsal: Nature Reserve Divoka Sarka in Prague
Petr Marsal: Nature Reserve Divoka Sarka in Prague
Petr Marsal: Park called Grébovka after Moritz Gröbe, who let planted the park in the years 1871-1888 around his a very beautiful villa
Petr Marsal: Dandelion
Petr Marsal: Oak leaves
Petr Marsal: Oak flower
Petr Marsal: Lagoon
Petr Marsal: Seed head of a Dandelion (Taraxacum) - A number of species of Taraxacum are seed dispersed ruderals that rapidly colonize disturbed soil, especially the common dandelion (T. officinale), which has been introduced over much of the temperate world.
Petr Marsal: flowers
Petr Marsal: Symbolic Labyrinth
Petr Marsal: Plants sprouting from the ground
Petr Marsal: Vydra river
Petr Marsal: Wild forrest
Petr Marsal: Cows grazing at mountain meadows