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Wildflowers by Kez West
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Kez West
Buttercup dreams...
Kez West
Fine and Dandy...
Kez West
Poppies...and pylons
Kez West
English bluebells - hyacinthoides non scripta
Kez West
Wonderful Wildflowers
Kez West
Wonderful Wildflowers
Kez West
Hover heaven
Kez West
Memories of Summer, Fabulous Flowers...
Kez West
The gorse explosion
Kez West
Sweet Violet (?) Viola sp.
Kez West
Yellow Corydalis - Pseudofumaria lutea
Kez West
Sow thistle
Kez West
Prickly Sow Thistle - Sonchus asper
Kez West
United we stand
Kez West
Beautiful Bumble Butt on Broom
Kez West
Common Vetch - vicia sativa
Kez West
White campion - Silene latifolia
Kez West
Electric blue
Kez West
Top hat and tails
Kez West
Step outside...The Summertime's in bloom...
Kez West
Shabby chic
Kez West
Scarlet Pimpernel - anagallis arvensis
Kez West
Poppies in the breeze
Kez West
White Bryony - Bryonia dioica
Kez West
Dame's violet - Hesperis matronalis
Kez West
Hedge Woundwort - Stachys sylvatica
Kez West
Let's hear it for Ragwort !
Kez West
Goat's beard seed head - Tragopogon Pratensis
Kez West
Creeping thistle - cirsium arvense
Kez West
Bindweed beauty
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