Kez West: Simple pleasures : o )
Kez West: Small beginnings...
Kez West: Mind the gap
Kez West: Growing against the grain
Kez West: This seat's already taken...
Kez West: Life behind bars
Kez West: Take a wall on the wild side
Kez West: I see a heart!
Kez West: Nature Rules OK...
Kez West: Life in the old walls yet...
Kez West: Growing in the ruins...
Kez West: Bridgnorth Castle
Kez West: Pretty in pink...
Kez West: Where there's a wall, there's a way...
Kez West: Get into the groove...
Kez West: Daisy paving...
Kez West: Little green island...
Kez West: Green Oasis
Kez West: Like a hanging basket without the basket !
Kez West: Pointing to the gap growers !
Kez West: A little sun
Kez West: In between the dark and the light...
Kez West: Blue and green...
Kez West: The rose knows no bounds...
Kez West: Springing up...
Kez West: I'm no wall flower !
Kez West: Poppies for Armistice Day
Kez West: Break on through...HFF !
Kez West: Glowing in a gap
Kez West: Kerb appeal...