KWSeattle: Shorebird quiz: What species can you ID?
KWSeattle: Shorebird quiz (Bottle Beach in spring)
KWSeattle: Shorebird quiz: Who's new?
KWSeattle: Caspian Terns and shorebirds
KWSeattle: Shorebird quiz: birds in flight (Bottle Beach in the spring)
KWSeattle: Shorebird quiz: Birds in flight (Bottle Beach in the spring)
KWSeattle: Can you pick out the Red Knots?
KWSeattle: Shorebird ID practice: Bottle Beach in the spring
KWSeattle: Bottle Beach in the spring
KWSeattle: Shorebird quiz (more practice)
KWSeattle: Wandering Tattler
KWSeattle: Wandering Tattler
KWSeattle: Pacific Golden-Plover
KWSeattle: Red Knots, Short-billed Dowitchers, Black-bellied Plovers, and Dunlin
KWSeattle: Red Knots, Short-billed Dowitchers, Black-bellied Plovers
KWSeattle: Western Sandpiper
KWSeattle: Short-billed Dowitcher
KWSeattle: Two Short-billed Dowitchers