KWSeattle: Australian Butterfly
KWSeattle: One of the swallowtail butterflies....
KWSeattle: Painted Lady (Butterfly)
KWSeattle: A swallowtail (Western Tiger Swallowtail, I believe)
KWSeattle: Common Buckeye
KWSeattle: Great Spangled Fritillary
KWSeattle: Giant Swallowtail Butterfly
KWSeattle: Spicebush Swallowtail
KWSeattle: Clouded Sulphur
KWSeattle: Silver-spotted Skipper
KWSeattle: Fiery Skipper
KWSeattle: Goatweed Leafwing
KWSeattle: Cracker (the only butterfly to make a sound)
KWSeattle: Pipevine Swallowtail
KWSeattle: Pipevine Swallowtail
KWSeattle: Monarch butterfly