KWSeattle: California Thrasher!
KWSeattle: California Towhee
KWSeattle: Lizard
KWSeattle: Hermit Thrush
KWSeattle: Clark's Grebe
KWSeattle: And then another coyote!
KWSeattle: View from the top
KWSeattle: Landscape
KWSeattle: Rock Wren
KWSeattle: Cooper's Hawk
KWSeattle: Spotted Sandpiper
KWSeattle: Black Oystercatcher
KWSeattle: Heerman's Gull (and a California)
KWSeattle: More rocks....
KWSeattle: Rock formations
KWSeattle: Dowitchers (Limnodromus sp)
KWSeattle: Black-necked Stilt
KWSeattle: Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
KWSeattle: Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus)
KWSeattle: WIllets (Tringa semipalmata)
KWSeattle: Painted Lady (Butterfly)
KWSeattle: Bathtime for Osprey
KWSeattle: Marbled Godwit and roosting tern
KWSeattle: Brandt
KWSeattle: Royal Tern
KWSeattle: Black Skimmer loafing
KWSeattle: Black Skimmers in motion
KWSeattle: Brandt's Cormorant display
KWSeattle: The draw for most people at La Jolla Cove
KWSeattle: Wandering Tattler (Tringa incana)