KWSeattle: Wilson's Snipe
KWSeattle: Bar-tailed Godwit among Marbled Godwit
KWSeattle: Bar-tailed Godwit with Marbled Godwits
KWSeattle: Bar-tailed Godwit wing stretch (bird is mostly behind a Marbled Godwit)
KWSeattle: Bar-tailed Godwit with Marbled Godwits
KWSeattle: Bar-tailed Godwit with Marbled Godwits
KWSeattle: IMG_1959 (1)
KWSeattle: IMG_1932 (2)
KWSeattle: Godwit flock with Willet
KWSeattle: Godwit flock
KWSeattle: Godwit trifecta
KWSeattle: Bar-tailed among Marbleds
KWSeattle: Hudsonian Godwit
KWSeattle: An exceptionally long bill!
KWSeattle: Marbled Godwit foraging
KWSeattle: Yellowlegs and dowitchersq
KWSeattle: Juvenile shorebirds
KWSeattle: Stilt Sandpiper
KWSeattle: Stilt Sandpiper
KWSeattle: IMG_1851
KWSeattle: Juvenile Ruff
KWSeattle: Juvenile Ruff (R) and Greater Yellowlegs (L)
KWSeattle: Juvenile Ruff (R) and Greater Yellowlegs
KWSeattle: Roosting shorebirds
KWSeattle: Roosting shorebirds, same species
KWSeattle: The same roosting shorebirds
KWSeattle: Another hint!
KWSeattle: More of the wing
KWSeattle: Shorebirds in flight
KWSeattle: In flight, from a distance