KWSeattle: Sandhill Cranes
KWSeattle: Sandhill Cranes
KWSeattle: Merlin
KWSeattle: Sea Star
KWSeattle: Anenomes
KWSeattle: Sea star and anenomes
KWSeattle: Anenomes
KWSeattle: Snail and tracks
KWSeattle: Some of the variety of anenomes
KWSeattle: Some of the riches of the Washington Coast
KWSeattle: Exploring Ruby Beach
KWSeattle: Sea anemone masquerading as a flower
KWSeattle: An itty bitty sea star
KWSeattle: Snail and its tracks
KWSeattle: Sea stacks
KWSeattle: Sea anenomes
KWSeattle: More sea anenomes
KWSeattle: Patterns in the sand
KWSeattle: Sea stacks
KWSeattle: The largest number of sea stars that we saw at one time...
KWSeattle: More of our riches
KWSeattle: Tidepool
KWSeattle: Rocks at the beach (detail)
KWSeattle: Rocks at the beach
KWSeattle: Patterns in the sand
KWSeattle: Black-legged Kittiwake
KWSeattle: Black-legged Kittiwake with Heermann's Gulls
KWSeattle: Sooty Shearwater feeding frenzy
KWSeattle: Sooty Shearwater feeding frenzy, closer up
KWSeattle: Feeding frenzy showing 2 streams of shearwaters