KWSeattle: Common Bush-Tanager (aka Common Chlorospingus)
KWSeattle: Silver-throated Tanagers
KWSeattle: Blue Morpho (captive)
KWSeattle: Purple-throated Mountain Gem (female)
KWSeattle: Purple-throated Mountain Gem (male)
KWSeattle: Coppery-headed Emerald
KWSeattle: Coppery-headed Emerald
KWSeattle: Hummingbird party!
KWSeattle: White-necked Jacobin (female)?
KWSeattle: Crested Guan (captive)
KWSeattle: Black-cheeked Woodpecker (captive)
KWSeattle: Black-cowled Oriole
KWSeattle: Silver-throated and Blue-gray Tanagers
KWSeattle: Butterfly (inside)
KWSeattle: Magenta-throated Woodstar
KWSeattle: Magenta-throated Woodstar
KWSeattle: Green Thorntail
KWSeattle: Green-crowned Brilliant
KWSeattle: Unidentified Hummer and Bananaquit
KWSeattle: Violet Sabrewing
KWSeattle: Coppery-headed Emerald
KWSeattle: Coppery-headed Emerald