Roman Eye: Grand Entrance and Fountain: Musée Maillol, Paris
Roman Eye: Bert Stern: "Marilyn Monroe black dress", 1962, 8/36 Archival pigment print
Roman Eye: Fountain, Musée Maillol, Paris
Roman Eye: Aristide Maillol: Nude Woman
Roman Eye: Roman Bronze Sculpture of an Ephebe, from Pompeii
Roman Eye: Bacchus with panther-skin, Roman Bronze, "Pompéi, un art de vivre" Exhibition, Musée Maillol, Paris
Roman Eye: Ithyphallic Fountain Statue of Priapus, 1st Century after J.-C. Carrara Marble from Pompeii
Roman Eye: Zoomorphic Nile River Boat with Dancers, Wall Painting from Pompeii
Roman Eye: Roman Bronze Figure "Pompéi, un art de vivre" Exhibition, Musée Maillol, Paris
Roman Eye: Inlaid Bronze Furnature Bracket: 1st Century after J.-C., from Pompeii
Roman Eye: Bacchus with Grapes, Roman Bronze, 1st Century after J.-C., from Pompeii
Roman Eye: Support for Lamps in the form of a Tree (epoque of Cesar Augustus) Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, from Pompeii