Roman Eye: Monterey Pines
Roman Eye: A Lone Coulter Pine Sits Atop Eagle Peak, Mount Diablo State Park, CA
Roman Eye: Lichen, Brush, Monkey Flower and Pine: Pedro Point Headlands
Roman Eye: A Coulter Pine Cone, Mount Diablo State Park, CA
Roman Eye: A Ponderosa Pine Overlooks the Pinnacles along Juniper Canyon Trail - Pinnacles National Monument
Roman Eye: Cave Rocks, Pine, Along Bear Gulch Trail - Pinnacles National Monument
Roman Eye: The Pines of Redwood Regional Park
Roman Eye: Pines in the Afternoon Sun
Roman Eye: Morning Sun on the Pines
Roman Eye: Morning on the Campsite: The Moon Wanes and the Rising Sun Shines on the Pines
Roman Eye: Pines: Mountain Vineyards, Long Meadow Ranch
Roman Eye: Colter Pine
Roman Eye: Knob-cone Pine and Chapparal along Sunset Trail
Roman Eye: Pine Forest Habitat, Where we find Boletes
Roman Eye: Big Basin State Park, Skyline to the Sea Trail: Mudstone and Shale, and Native Monterey Pine