Roman Eye: A Trail Through Live Oaks
Roman Eye: Trail Map of Junipero Serra Park
Roman Eye: Another Wood Rat Hotel
Roman Eye: Live Oaks Along the Nature Trail
Roman Eye: More Live Oak
Roman Eye: Monterey Pines
Roman Eye: A View of South San Francisco and San Bruno Mountain from Quail Loop Trail
Roman Eye: SF Airport from the top of the Ridge
Roman Eye: An Old Coast Live Oak "Leaning on its Elbow"
Roman Eye: A Dome-shaped "Hotel", the Work of the Dusky Footed Wood Rat (Neotoma fuscipes)
Roman Eye: Live Oak at Junipero Serra Park
Roman Eye: Amanita phalloides
Roman Eye: Gymnapilus spectabilis
Roman Eye: Agaricus xanthodermus
Roman Eye: Junipero Serra in Winter with Christmas Berry (Toyon)
Roman Eye: A Mossy Glade
Roman Eye: Laccaria laccata
Roman Eye: The Death Cap (Amanita phaloides) in Profusion
Roman Eye: Amanita pantherina
Roman Eye: Amamita muscaria
Roman Eye: Lactarius alnicola (showing the milky lactate)
Roman Eye: Boletus appendiculatus
Roman Eye: Boletus pulcherrimus
Roman Eye: Tricholoma dryophilum
Roman Eye: Boletus eastwoodiae
Roman Eye: Gymnopilus spectabilis
Roman Eye: Honey Mushrooms (Armillaria mellea)
Roman Eye: Lactarius xanthogalactus
Roman Eye: San Francisco Bay and Airport at Dusk (from Quail Loop Trail)
Roman Eye: A Nice Cluster of Suillus pungens