lisaf437: Vivian and Gloria
lisaf437: Gloria and Susan
lisaf437: Visiting with the Connollys
lisaf437: Connollys' house at Christmas
lisaf437: Connollys'
lisaf437: Happy Birthday, Abigail!
lisaf437: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
lisaf437: Margaret and Gloria
lisaf437: on our hike
lisaf437: one of Gretchen's delicious, thick pizzas
lisaf437: kitten in the Connollys' window
lisaf437: beautiful morning light across the front yard
lisaf437: sidewalk chalk
lisaf437: Gloria's peacock feathers
lisaf437: winter outside our window
lisaf437: Alleluia! Happy Easter!
lisaf437: On Easter, a delicious spread by Marge C.