lisaf437: Chloe and Leo posing for me
lisaf437: Chloe dancing
lisaf437: Chloe dancing
lisaf437: Chloe, Leo, and their dad Tim
lisaf437: so good to see Callie!
lisaf437: like father, like son
lisaf437: Tim and Leo found a grassy hill to sit on for a snack break
lisaf437: Chloe
lisaf437: Tim and Leo on another escalator
lisaf437: Chloe, shy but smiley
lisaf437: Chloe
lisaf437: Tim and Leo ride an escalator!
lisaf437: Callie and a new teenage mutant ninja turtles ride!
lisaf437: Leo really excited to see the rides!
lisaf437: First Dance
lisaf437: Bride and Groom