lisaf437: Winter morning light
lisaf437: wind, snow, and sand
lisaf437: snow today
lisaf437: Catherine's three loaves today
lisaf437: hanging out with Abigail
lisaf437: Spring is finally coming
lisaf437: hazy horizon from the restaurant at the top of the Hancock building
lisaf437: view from the top of the Hancock
lisaf437: my macchiato
lisaf437: budding
lisaf437: wedding at Cana
lisaf437: Joe, Sarah, Jeremy, and Anne
lisaf437: cold spring rain today
lisaf437: she's getting good at holding her bottle
lisaf437: Margaret at Friday Happy Hour
lisaf437: Catherine's Capstone Presentation
lisaf437: spring!
lisaf437: my other orchid
lisaf437: Catherine and Abigail talking
lisaf437: at the lake in Culver
lisaf437: Claire, Lisa, Catherine, Randa, Laura, and May
lisaf437: Catherine and her Godparents, Uncle Connie and Aunt Mary
lisaf437: Catherine and her proud parents
lisaf437: playing Rummikub
lisaf437: walking by the St. Joe river
lisaf437: South Bend Airport
lisaf437: Jennifer and Greg on the Queen Mary
lisaf437: exploring the Queen Mary