lisaf437: happy playing with rocks at Culvers
lisaf437: happy at Culvers
lisaf437: walking around
lisaf437: walking around
lisaf437: walking around
lisaf437: fun with Abigail
lisaf437: practicing standing
lisaf437: practicing standing (in August)
lisaf437: balls are so much fun
lisaf437: Abigail :)
lisaf437: David and Abigail
lisaf437: Lake Michigan
lisaf437: at the cabin
lisaf437: Lake Michigan from our house
lisaf437: Eagle Tower in Peninsula State Park
lisaf437: from Eagle Tower
lisaf437: from Eagle Tower
lisaf437: from Eagle Tower
lisaf437: from Eagle Tower
lisaf437: eating ice cream
lisaf437: Abigail likes it
lisaf437: Malibu Moo
lisaf437: summer flowers
lisaf437: Door County
lisaf437: video call with Debby and Maddy for Abigail's birthday
lisaf437: fog on Lake Michigan at Cave Point County Park
lisaf437: Cave Point County Park
lisaf437: Cave Point County Park
lisaf437: Cave Point County Park
lisaf437: Cave Point County Park