lisaf437: wonderful colors along the highway
lisaf437: wonderful colors along the highway
lisaf437: David, Laura, Abigail, and Catherine at a stop in Wisconsin
lisaf437: Abigail and her adoring fans
lisaf437: rehearsal dinner location
lisaf437: rehearsing: Hana and her dad John
lisaf437: rehearsal
lisaf437: Dad, Tim O, Max, Tim, Jake, and Mom
lisaf437: Tim introducing his groomsmen
lisaf437: Tim introducing Dan
lisaf437: Laura sharing about Tim and Hana
lisaf437: groom, groomsmen, and ushers
lisaf437: the usual suspects
lisaf437: bridal party
lisaf437: Leo really excited to see the rides!
lisaf437: Callie and a new teenage mutant ninja turtles ride!
lisaf437: Tim and Leo ride an escalator!
lisaf437: Chloe
lisaf437: Death Star at LEGO Land
lisaf437: Chloe, shy but smiley
lisaf437: Tim and Leo on another escalator
lisaf437: Chloe
lisaf437: Tim and Leo found a grassy hill to sit on for a snack break
lisaf437: like father, like son
lisaf437: so good to see Callie!
lisaf437: setting up center pieces
lisaf437: Doing decorations for Tim's wedding!
lisaf437: Catherine, Tim, and I setting up for his wedding
lisaf437: awesome leaves outside
lisaf437: view from the reception hall