lisaf437: a quick walk and taking photos with Brigette
lisaf437: Brigette, Michael the archangel, and fall colors
lisaf437: Catherine and the very dead things
lisaf437: fall flowers
lisaf437: light and shadows
lisaf437: tree finding
lisaf437: Laura and tree
lisaf437: we got it home!
lisaf437: interesting ice formations
lisaf437: chunks of ice
lisaf437: hanging branches
lisaf437: holly
lisaf437: picking greenery for Christmas decorations
lisaf437: Christmas tree waiting for Christmas
lisaf437: O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
lisaf437: more decorations added for our Christmas celebration!
lisaf437: a puddle of paint
lisaf437: trees - a collection of Brigette's photos
lisaf437: our house in snow
lisaf437: Brigette after her presentation