Styzee: The Fountain of Youth.
Styzee: Worcester Bridge.
Styzee: Old Faithful.
Styzee: No Fishing.
Styzee: Where's Dave?
Styzee: Looking at Dave looking at me.
Styzee: Getting the low down.
Styzee: The only way is up....(or down)
Styzee: Any relation to Chicken George?
Styzee: Mr Blue Sky.
Styzee: The Bee side.
Styzee: Robert Dinero?
Styzee: Red bull gives you wings.
Styzee: Sir Eddie.
Styzee: Pebbled.
Styzee: Knot new.
Styzee: Crocus set.
Styzee: In-spired.
Styzee: The eagle has landed.
Styzee: Ka mate. Ka mate. Ka ora. Ka ora.
Styzee: Live to Ride.
Styzee: Don't tell em Pike!
Styzee: Hellooo.
Styzee: Lantern.