Lincoln Beddoe: Ochre pigment, crushed and ready to mix. Tiwi Islands. NT, Australia
Lincoln Beddoe: Painting dots with a stone, Tiwi Islands. NT, Australia
Lincoln Beddoe: Tiwi Man
Lincoln Beddoe: Freddy. Tiwi Man
Lincoln Beddoe: The Stare. Past, Present, Future
Lincoln Beddoe: AFL on Tiwi Islands
Lincoln Beddoe: Tiwi Island woman paints shells with ochres.
Lincoln Beddoe: Roslyn Orsto, Tiwi Islands
Lincoln Beddoe: Tiwi Island ochre used to crush and paint with.
Lincoln Beddoe: Tiwi Painter - Roslyn Orsto
Lincoln Beddoe: Painting with Ochres, Tiwi Islands. NT, Australia
Lincoln Beddoe: Tiwi woman paints shells. NT, Australia.