Nikkonite: Redshank
Nikkonite: Fluffy Chiffchaff
Nikkonite: Wren
Nikkonite: Cormorant trio
Nikkonite: Sandwich Tern
Nikkonite: Sandwich and Common Terns
Nikkonite: Tunnel Vision
Nikkonite: Painted Lady.
Nikkonite: Juvenile Red Backed Shrike.
Nikkonite: Juvenile Red Backed Shrike...... Explored
Nikkonite: Grey Heron
Nikkonite: Curlew
Nikkonite: Ringed Plover
Nikkonite: Redshank, standing tall.
Nikkonite: Peek a boo, Juv' Starling
Nikkonite: Turnstone, sitting pretty
Nikkonite: Crow with a titbit