Charlesjsharp: Antlion (Myrmeleontidae sp)
Charlesjsharp: Antlion (Palpares libelluloides)
Charlesjsharp: Assassin bug (Rhynocoris iracundus) on Eryngium ssp
Charlesjsharp: Assassin bug (Rhynocoris iracundus) with bee (Apis ssp) prey
Charlesjsharp: Bellied bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon thoracicus) female
Charlesjsharp: Bellied bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon thoracicus) male 2
Charlesjsharp: Bellied bright bush-cricket (Poecilimon thoracicus) male
Charlesjsharp: Crab spider (Thomisus onustus) with prey nettle tree butterfly (Libythea celtis)
Charlesjsharp: Dock bugs (Coreus marginatus) mating
Charlesjsharp: Figwort sawfly (Tenthredo scrophulariae)
Charlesjsharp: Oak spider (Aculepeira ceropegia) female
Charlesjsharp: Owlfly (Libelloides macaronius)
Charlesjsharp: Pied hoverfly (Scaeva pyrastri) male
Charlesjsharp: Red-winged grasshopper (Oedipoda germanica) male
Charlesjsharp: Sawfly (Nematus miliaris) larvae
Charlesjsharp: Schmidt's bright bush cricket (Poecilimon schmidti) male
Charlesjsharp: Shield bug (Carpocoris pudicus)
Charlesjsharp: Siberian grasshopper (Gomphocerus sibiricus) female
Charlesjsharp: Wasp spider (Argiope bruennichi) underside, showing stabilimentum