bkfrogma: Stephen and Mary outline the day's plan 1
bkfrogma: Stephen and Mary outline the day's plan 2
bkfrogma: Spot for wheelchair-using fisher to fish. Nice idea!
bkfrogma: Coast Guard station
bkfrogma: Loon & gull
bkfrogma: Surf scoters and brant
bkfrogma: Red-breasted merganser
bkfrogma: Longtailed Duck
bkfrogma: Loon & bufflehead at the Coast Guard station
bkfrogma: Heading out to the beach from the Theodore Roosevelt Nature Center
bkfrogma: John and Chris decide to fix a broken guide line
bkfrogma: Chris was able to untie the knot that formed the loop, and with a little stretching ends were made to meet.
bkfrogma: All fixed!
bkfrogma: On to the beach!
bkfrogma: Manhattan in the distance
bkfrogma: We spot a flock of dunlings
bkfrogma: dunling flock 1
bkfrogma: dunling flock view 2
bkfrogma: dunling flock 3
bkfrogma: A view of most of the dunling flock from a little further away. I was heading over the water to look for seals -
bkfrogma: But then a beachwalker coming from the other direction got a little too close and the flock swirled into the air