As the little red ship sails through the years, the changes to Wallabout Bay appear on the table.
I can't see where the ship has gotten to but this has to be around the peak, during WWII.
FDNY Marina Bull (giant forklift for getting the boats into and out of the water) and Marine Incident Response Team vehicle.
Dry Dock 1's caisson. This gate seals the drydock shut after a vessel has been brought in. The water is then pumped out, the work is done, the drydock is re-flooded, and the boat or ship goes on her way.
Trying to show a little of the steplike construction of Dry Dock 1. You'll see it better in the photo after the next photo.
Last shot outside - now looking north up the East River with the Manhattan Bridge again. This Wallabout Bay complex is huge.
Old stretchers were used for a display about the Brooklyn Navy Yard Hospital. Here's Mr. Hammond's story. Click on the photo to zoom to read.