bkfrogma: Carolina welcomes me and SUNY Maritime cadet Logan aboard the Mary A. Whalen, and gives us a rundown of the plans for the day.
bkfrogma: Peter B. sets up the electric hoist he borrowed from work (he's a professional rigger in the television industry) while Chris and Logan look on. Ship's cat Chiclet inspects the work area in the background.
bkfrogma: Hello Miss Chiclet! Are you coming to inspect me?
bkfrogma: Electric hoist set.
bkfrogma: First item ready to lower away. The electric hoist ended up being a little slow, so they eventually switched back to old-school block and tackle, but they did use the hoist for a few particularly heavy items like these giant pulleys.
bkfrogma: Meeting of the piston committee! Peter B. gets the first of the 2 big pistons strapped up for safe transport.
bkfrogma: Peter B, PortSide curator Peter R, and Logan shifting a really big shackle.
bkfrogma: Back to the piston - Peter's got it strapped up and is using one of the chainfall hand hoists to do the first lift.
bkfrogma: Looking up the companionway.
bkfrogma: Lunch break in the galley - Carolina having a good laugh over something!
bkfrogma: Logan regales us with SUNY Maritime tales
bkfrogma: Later in the day
bkfrogma: Sunset from Red Hook
bkfrogma: I got very dirty. I think it's good to get dirty once in a while!
bkfrogma: Continuing on -
bkfrogma: Jenny in the hold
bkfrogma: Finishing up -
bkfrogma: Night lights of Red Hook and Bayonne.
bkfrogma: Good night, Mary A. Whalen! And have a Happy Thanksgiving!