bkfrogma: Waiting to board the Staten Island Ferry
bkfrogma: Leaving South Ferry, Manhattan
bkfrogma: Dowtown Jersey City with tug and Colgate clock.
bkfrogma: Ellis Island (flag at half-staff for Pearl Harbor remembrance).
bkfrogma: Our Lady of the Harbor, the Statue of Liberty
bkfrogma: Red buoy number 2 throwing up quite a bow wave for a buoy!
bkfrogma: Evelyn Cutler (tug) northbound with Noelle Cutler (barge)
bkfrogma: Norwegian Breakaway cruise ship southbound at the Battery.
bkfrogma: Robbin's Reef light
bkfrogma: Our police escort; in the distance, the northbound ferry and their guard.
bkfrogma: Channel marker RG KV at the mouth of the Kill Van Kull
bkfrogma: RG KV, Robbins Reef, a couple of other markers and the Global Marine Terminal
bkfrogma: Pulling in at the St. George ferry terminal on Staten Island
bkfrogma: Another ship at the Global Marine Terminal
bkfrogma: Hello, seagull.
bkfrogma: Norwegian Breakaway with NYC downtown skyline.
bkfrogma: Norwegian Breakaway - this one's the groovy Peter Max liner.
bkfrogma: Boarding the Andrew J. Barberi for the return.
bkfrogma: Verranzono Narrows Bridge, anchorage off Staten Island, northbound tug and barge
bkfrogma: Chase boat and chase gulls chasing us back toward Manhattan
bkfrogma: Another anchorage, this one just south of Governor's Island
bkfrogma: Whoosh. This one we passed close enough to to hear the bells - such a great sound.
bkfrogma: Another look south at the Verrazano Narrows.
bkfrogma: Red Hook, Brooklyn - hello Mary A. Whalen!
bkfrogma: Approaching sunset, with another cooperatively posing seagull and the Bayonne Bridge.
bkfrogma: Red Hook, Brooklyn, and the Battery Tunnel ventilator shaft on Governor's Island in the background.
bkfrogma: Sunset with statue and working waterfront.
bkfrogma: Back at the South Ferry terminal.
bkfrogma: Battery Park