Ranger John D. at Floyd Bennett. Always nice to see him! He'd hoped he might be able to come play with us for a while but he couldn't break away from his kayak program - came out to say hi though.
Lisa of the Orange Hat. Someone asked me if the pictures I was taking were exactly the same as I'd taken a hundred times before - well, yes, except I've never taken a picture of Lisa and her orange hat before! So there!
Me and Frank at the Marine Park Bridge. Mary Ann took this, thought I should be in a shot!
Then we went for a short hike led by Jeff and Lynn, who've spent a good bit of time here.
Tony gets a good laugh - don't remember what he'd said except it wasn't the riddle about why Buddhists don't vacuum in the corners - that was later...
Jeff gives us a little of the area's history, including the story of Wrong-Way Corrigan, who started his famous flight here (Jeff wasn't going to tell that story but we made him, it's such a good one for the area).
Tony gives us our marching orders for the walk into the bay proper - beachcombing allowed going out ('cause Dead Horse Bay beachcombing is irresistable), then back at a snappier pace.
Bottlehenge. Dead Horse Bay was named for the carcasses rendering plants in the area dumped in the bay; later on the area was used as a landfill but the cap was breached and all of the old trash - mostly bottles and shoes - is leaking out to this day.
Group shot at a bottle tree someone or someones have made, Mary Ann's got my camera again.
Group shot from the other direction. That's Kingsborough Community College on the point across the bay.