HumongoNationphotogallery: The Motel 6 bedspread of good luck
HumongoNationphotogallery: California has Starbucks. Shock. Awe
HumongoNationphotogallery: Darryl anticipating Aptera ride
HumongoNationphotogallery: Bill is up early for a change and no longer on EST
HumongoNationphotogallery: OJ, coffee and bagel
HumongoNationphotogallery: The regulars stroll in
HumongoNationphotogallery: Liquid breakfast
HumongoNationphotogallery: Ryan braves traffic to meet us at Starbucks
HumongoNationphotogallery: The good luck tire bee
HumongoNationphotogallery: Aptera main sign
HumongoNationphotogallery: Type I from Aptera
HumongoNationphotogallery: We can run 26s on that, right?
HumongoNationphotogallery: Getting the rundown on specs
HumongoNationphotogallery: It’s space ageable!
HumongoNationphotogallery: Checking out the Aptera before the ride
HumongoNationphotogallery: Strut system for the wheels
HumongoNationphotogallery: It’s Plaid by a nose
HumongoNationphotogallery: You kinda roll out of it
HumongoNationphotogallery: SImple yet cool idea for pedals
HumongoNationphotogallery: Rear viewing monitor system
HumongoNationphotogallery: The future is here—now!
HumongoNationphotogallery: Yes, Justtus could fit in it
HumongoNationphotogallery: GEtting ready to look inside
HumongoNationphotogallery: Darryl checks out the interior
HumongoNationphotogallery: Ryan already planning how he’d pimp it out