HumongoNationphotogallery: During the interview
HumongoNationphotogallery: Skimming his 4,000+ Twitter DMs
HumongoNationphotogallery: Explaining the magic
HumongoNationphotogallery: “These guys actually drive around in this thing. No, really.”
HumongoNationphotogallery: Scoble talking shop with Justus
HumongoNationphotogallery: Scoble has AstroTurf™
HumongoNationphotogallery: All you guys fit in here?
HumongoNationphotogallery: Getting ready for show
HumongoNationphotogallery: Show in progress
HumongoNationphotogallery: Scoble already updating
HumongoNationphotogallery: Tight. That’s how we rol..., er, park.
HumongoNationphotogallery: More funky entrance hall type stuff
HumongoNationphotogallery: Truman liking the camera
HumongoNationphotogallery: Truman, offical Seesmic dog
HumongoNationphotogallery: More worker spaceage
HumongoNationphotogallery: An XS? Um, I don’t think so
HumongoNationphotogallery: Earthquake-proof frame
HumongoNationphotogallery: Schwag, thy name is Seesmic
HumongoNationphotogallery: More people we intruded upon
HumongoNationphotogallery: Where they shoot
HumongoNationphotogallery: The tour starts. “We’re walking, we’re walking...”
HumongoNationphotogallery: We came. We blurred. We left
HumongoNationphotogallery: Renato rushing to get the shot
HumongoNationphotogallery: Their green room, er, wall