HumongoNationphotogallery: The Men of the Tour
HumongoNationphotogallery: Ryans T-shirt of the day
HumongoNationphotogallery: Funny Story about that "For Sale" sign
HumongoNationphotogallery: view from Ryan's van
HumongoNationphotogallery: Joseph Jaffe, Darryl and Bill
HumongoNationphotogallery: the back of the hula-girl
HumongoNationphotogallery: Ryan's Mobile Office
HumongoNationphotogallery: BIll, Darryl & Joseph
HumongoNationphotogallery: Ryan...what will he say next?
HumongoNationphotogallery: Joseph, mid-twitter
HumongoNationphotogallery: Matt joins the tour
HumongoNationphotogallery: we heart iphones
HumongoNationphotogallery: getting the plaid goodies
HumongoNationphotogallery: Plaid runs on dunkin.
HumongoNationphotogallery: Darryl, Bill & Joseph Jaffe discuss the tour