Bibi S.: Cosmos story
Bibi S.: Cosmos story
Bibi S.: Cosmos story
Bibi S.: Cosmos story
Bibi S.: Cosmos story
Bibi S.: Hello little colorful cuties!!
Bibi S.: Capturing my heart.....
Bibi S.: No techniques, just pressed the shutter. Nothing complicated, just simple beauty ~ <3
Bibi S.: Blessing @ Nagano, Japan.
Bibi S.: Blessing @ Nagano, Japan.
Bibi S.: Blessing @ Nagano, Japan.
Bibi S.: Blessing @ Nagano, Japan.
Bibi S.: Blessing @ Nagano, Japan. (這顆躲在路旁一間小小神社院子裡櫻樹,把半個院子的天空染白了,我也看得癡傻了)
Bibi S.: Blessing @ Nagano, Japan. (這顆躲在路旁一間小小神社院子裡櫻樹,把半個院子的天空染白了,我也看得癡傻了)
Bibi S.: The beauty of LOVE, also never stops surprising me.... :) 愛所帶來的驚喜~ 也是源源不絕!<3
Bibi S.: The beauty of life never stops surprising me.... :) 生命,帶來的驚喜~ 源源不絕!<3
Bibi S.: GREEN in a colorful, dazzling city ~ is ABSOLUTELY beautiful!!! :) 在令人眼花繚亂的熙攘城市中,綠,更顯為美好 ^O^
Bibi S.: After blue and green..... I LOVE Black & White <3
Bibi S.: The Green on the way home. 歸途中的綠,好舒服!:)
Bibi S.: I still remember so clearly... the day I bought my very first prime lens... ^O^
Bibi S.: Couldn't take a good shot of this tiny little cutie.... BUT, couldn't walk away without giving it a shot!! ^O^ 看見你!!
Bibi S.: Another cutie I ran into that night walking home... <3
Bibi S.: Just the way you are.... 你是唯一!:)
Bibi S.: Simply a beautiful afternoon, at Central Park, alone.... :) 一個人的中央公園 <3
Bibi S.: Running into some beauties in the busy NYC... 邂逅扶桑花,在喧囂的紐約市中心 :)
Bibi S.: We are different, but we live in harmony ~ <3
Bibi S.: Thank you, for being my inspiration to explore the world of photography!! <3
Bibi S.: Loofah leaves... 絲瓜的葉兒 <3
Bibi S.: A little sweetness on the espalier.... 絲瓜藤架上的一抹恬靜 <3
Bibi S.: A little sweetness by the curb... 路邊的一抹恬靜 <3