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Love FOOOOOD <3 oink OINK by Bibi S.
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Bibi S.
Afternoon tea time at home <3
Bibi S.
Taiwanese Beef Noodle ^(00)^
Bibi S.
Yum yum sponge cake ^(oO)^
Bibi S.
Irresistible pleasure!!!!! Caramel Biscuit & Cream flavor!!!
Bibi S.
Little Italy Restaurant, Kaohsiung
Bibi S.
Little Italy Restaurant, Kaohsiung
Bibi S.
Little Italy Restaurant, Kaohsiung
Bibi S.
Little Italy Restaurant, Kaohsiung
Bibi S.
Little Italy Restaurant, Kaohsiung
Bibi S.
Time for a cup of Latte and take a break dears!! ^^
Bibi S.
Afternoon tea with strawberries <3 草莓時光
Bibi S.
Tomato yoghurt!! Super yum!!
Bibi S.
Afternoon tea with strawberries <3 草莓時光
Bibi S.
Afternoon tea with strawberries <3 草莓時光
Bibi S.
Look at the CHEEEESE.... -drools- ^(oO)^
Bibi S.
Sashimi Nigiri ~~~ <3
Bibi S.
Scones that made me smile biiiig ^____^
Bibi S.
Pizza time at Bellini Restaurant ^(00)^ OINK OINK
Bibi S.
Salman sashimi and roe on rice ^O^
Bibi S.
Ramen + Gyoza ~~~ ^(OO)^
Bibi S.
Yakisoba ~~~ 日式炒麵,讚啦!!!
Bibi S.
Spaghetti ~~ always in love with it!! <3
Bibi S.
Bring it on!!! ^O^ Nomnomnom
Bibi S.
Tempura Udon 天婦羅烏龍麵 ^(00)^
Bibi S.
CRAZY YUMMY crème brûlée !!!!!!!!! ^O^
Bibi S.
Sweet time with sweet girl over sweet looking coffees!!!
Bibi S.
Always YES to spaghetti!!! hohoho
Bibi S.
Nostalgic Cafe... and CHAI LATTE that I LOVE!!!! <3
Bibi S.
Simple but amazing nuts pie!!! ^(oO)^
Bibi S.
Beef Stir-fry with Rice Noodles 廣式乾炒牛肉河粉 ^(oo)^
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