chalyss: Aerek?
chalyss: dyed hair
chalyss: doll comps
chalyss: dolly comps
chalyss: dolly comps
chalyss: dolly comps
chalyss: Glenn... again
chalyss: Good golly Glenn
chalyss: Xevandra
chalyss: Xevandra
chalyss: Iscariot
chalyss: height comps
chalyss: Glenn? again
chalyss: Glenn?
chalyss: glenn again
chalyss: The new outfit
chalyss: The new outfit
chalyss: The new outfit
chalyss: The new outfit
chalyss: Illydra and the dress
chalyss: Illydra and the dress
chalyss: Illydra and the dress
chalyss: Illydra and the dress
chalyss: Illydra and the dress
chalyss: Illydra and the dress
chalyss: Illydra and the dress
chalyss: Miro arms on the EID body with Sugarable hands.
chalyss: Miro arms on her EID body, trying to get wider shoulders.
chalyss: Burleh should be a giant! But she's not yet. Miro arms fit nicely on the EID body.
chalyss: Sard has arrived!