chalyss: the Drake
chalyss: end_dress3
chalyss: end_dress2
chalyss: end_dress1
chalyss: Fabric paint on pleather
chalyss: Fabric paint on pleather
chalyss: Headdress and finished colors
chalyss: More pleather painting
chalyss: Metallic paints on pleather
chalyss: New Headress
chalyss: Pieces neck and ankles
chalyss: neck reduction
chalyss: neck reduction
chalyss: Horn helmet
chalyss: Plastic horns
chalyss: ancient beauty
chalyss: Jess new hair pt 1
chalyss: Jess new hair pt 2
chalyss: wide eye comp
chalyss: AoD Titan Impl
chalyss: More comps
chalyss: More comps
chalyss: glenn heads2
chalyss: slight mod
chalyss: Brother Golden Hair
chalyss: glau idol
chalyss: glau mod
chalyss: Josy Impl
chalyss: Seth Impl
chalyss: Cerg's peeled bits hopefully ready for sealant then paint. Woot! Sicktress? Are they ok?