Eddie the Eagle-eye: Cumbrae Parish Church
Eddie the Eagle-eye: White Bay, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Little Cumbrae, Arran and Bute from Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: West Bay and Cosy Corner, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Cumbrae Cathedral, Millport
Eddie the Eagle-eye: White Bay, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Little Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Bell Bay, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Tomont End, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Millport from Farland Point, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Looking to Arran from Skate Bay, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Fairhaven, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: The white house at Fairhaven, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Bell Bay, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Looking down on Fairhaven, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Looking west from the inner circle, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Looking south from inner circle, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Ballochmartin Bay
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Ballochmartin Bay, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Tomont End, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: View from Little Skate Bay, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: View from the inner circle walk on Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Sheriff's Common, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Bell Bay beach, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Millport, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Sheriff's Port, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Millport Sunset
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Reflections at Ballochmartin, Great Cumbrae
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Kames Bay, Great Cumbrae