Eddie the Eagle-eye: Black Guillemot
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatcher
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatcher
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatcher
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Common Sandpiper
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Raven on Seal carcass, Great Cumbrae.
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Common Sandpiper
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatcher
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Bar-tailed Godwit
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatcher
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Reed Bunting
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatcher
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Pied Wagtail
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Ringed Plover
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatchers
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatchers
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Oystercatcher with chick
Eddie the Eagle-eye: Reed Bunting