gliderflyer11: Toilet stop?
gliderflyer11: DSC_9040aa
gliderflyer11: DSC_9041a
gliderflyer11: Perfect landing 100 points.
gliderflyer11: Wingtip grass surfing...
gliderflyer11: Half a wing on its way back to earth.
gliderflyer11: Lens glider and another.
gliderflyer11: landing?
gliderflyer11: Len mows the heli strip.
gliderflyer11: Paul prepares to launch Len's CZ special.
gliderflyer11: Lens glider climbs out.
gliderflyer11: 50 landing points!
gliderflyer11: 200 metres here we come...
gliderflyer11: Come on you lads!!!
gliderflyer11: One of the days casualties.
gliderflyer11: Launch...
gliderflyer11: John launches his DG1000.
gliderflyer11: DG1000 climbout