KevinChupka: White House Library
KevinChupka: White House Library
KevinChupka: White House Library again
KevinChupka: One more in the library
KevinChupka: Lady Bird Johnson portrait in the Vermeil Room
KevinChupka: Jackie O portrait in Vermeil Room
KevinChupka: Vermeil in the Vermeil Room
KevinChupka: Sea Shell Tree in the Palm Room
KevinChupka: West Colonade
KevinChupka: The light in the background is the Oval Office
KevinChupka: Tree in the East Room
KevinChupka: Me and a tree in the East Room
KevinChupka: Nativity in the East Room
KevinChupka: East Room
KevinChupka: Big tree in the Blue Room
KevinChupka: The Cross Hall
KevinChupka: The Cross Hall
KevinChupka: White House "ginger bread covered in white chocolate" style