Sellies1: Macro fly 2/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Cygnet 3/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: A love affair with light and shadows 4/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Tree of Light and Shadows 5/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Bokeh and rim light orchid 7/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Bokeh colour night 8/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Possessed Panda 10/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Shisha 15/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Westminster stop 16/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Low key attempt african mask 21/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Grandad 22/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Shuttleworth 23/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Office view 25/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Playing with exposure value in P mode 26/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Whizzing past me on his scooter 27/30-Day Challenge
Sellies1: Overexposed plum (29/30-Day Challenge)
Sellies1: Underexposed plums 28/30-Day Challenge